Terms and conditions

4Sound Music School is a subscription-based music school. A 3-month minimum subscription is required for all programs.

Frequently asked questions

As a beginner, what should I expect?
We encourage a minimum 3 month commitment from new beginner students to allow a chance to see any significant development/improvement.  However, the more you practice, the more significant your development will be.
Registration is required.  All programs begin with a 1-on-1 consult to meet your teacher and assess your skill level.  A minimum 3-month subscription is required to begin classes.
What if I need to cancel?
Cancellation fee is the cost of one month. Please feel free to call if you feel your matter requires special consideration.
What if I need to reschedule a class?
We ask that you please reschedule at least 2 days before the appointment date you need to change. Rescheduling will be subject to the instructors's availability. If in-person dates don't work out, we can offer online sessions instead.
What if I miss my Band or Group Class?
We cannot cancel the class for 1 student.  The show must go on. However, if a teacher is absent for a class, an extra class is added to ensure delivery of all promised classes in total.
I'm going away unexpectedly. Do I lose my left over classes?
Life can be unpredictable but we are fair.  Monthly lesson plans are non-refundable but if you let us know of your situation, we can make arrangements to provide you with the left over classes when you are ready to return.  This arrangement cannot be offered if you simply don't show up and then request makeups after the fact.


How do I pay?
You can pay your electronic invoices by Visa, Mastercard, ApplePay and Discover cards. We also accept cash and e-transfers for PRE-PAY ONLY.
How safe are your online payment portals?
We use Square and Quickbooks secure portals for payment processing. They are world-leaders in the modern world of payment transactions. Your financial information is very secure. To see the official security disclaimers, please visit:
Square.comQuickbooks Online